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Tanner Stages Write for Us

Tanner Stages Write for Us (1)

Tanner Stages Write for Us – The Tanner stages are a method to describe the physical changes that occur during puberty. They remain named after James Tanner, the British pediatrician who developed the system in the 1960s. If you want to write interesting articles we are here to publish your thoughts at

There are five stages for each sex, and they remain based on the development of the genitals, pubic hair, and breasts.

Tanner Stages for Girls:

  • Stage 1: Prepubertal. There are no visible changes.
  • Stage 2: Breast buds start to develop. The areola (the dark area around the nipple) expands. Scant pubic hair appears.
  • Stage 3: The breasts continue to grow, and the areola expands further. Pubic hair becomes darker and thicker.
  • Stage 4: The complete development of breasts takes place in this stage. The areola recedes into the general contour of the breast. Pubic hair covers the entire pubic area.
  • Stage 5: The breasts are fully mature, and the areola is small and inconspicuous. Pubic hair is adult in type and distribution. Menarche (the first menstrual period) may occur at this stage.

Tanner Stages

Tanner Stages for Boys:

  • Stage 1: Prepubertal. The genitals are small and undeveloped. There is no pubic hair.
  • Stage 2: The testes and scrotum begin to enlarge. Scant pubic hair appears at the base of the penis.
  • Stage 3: The penis and testes continue to enlarge. Pubic hair becomes darker and thicker.
  • Stage 4: The complete development of the penis and testes occurs in this stage. Pubic hair covers the entire pubic area.
  • Stage 5: The penis and testes are fully mature. Pubic hair is adult in type and distribution. Facial hair may begin to develop at this stage.

The Tanner stages are helpful for healthcare professionals to track a child’s development and identify potential problems. Parents can also use them to understand what to expect during puberty.

It is important to note that the Tanner stages can vary from child to child. Some children may start puberty earlier or later than others. It is also normal for some children to be at different stages of development for different parts of their body. For example, a child may be in Tanner stage 4 for their pubic hair but only Tanner stage 2 for their breasts.

If you have concerns about your child’s development, please talk to your pediatrician.

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Why Write for Smarthealthweb – Tanner Stages Write for Us?

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Writing for smarthealthweb can expose your website to customers looking for Tanner Stages
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Search Terms Related to Tanner Stages Write for Us

  1. Physical Development
  2. Children
  3. Adolescence
  4. Adulthood
  5. Physical Measurements
  6. Primary
  7. Secondary Sex Characteristics
  8. Breasts
  9. Genitals
  10. Testicular
  11. Pubic Hair
  12. James Tanner
  13. Pediatrician
  14. Puberty
  15. Natural Variation
  16. Puberty
  17. Hiv
  18. Antiretroviral Therapy
  19. Testicular
  20. Penis
  21. Prepubertal
  22. Areola
  23. Prepubertal
  24. Breast Bud

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  • Smarthealthweb allows a minimum of 500+ words associated with the Tanner Stages
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